
Creating an exciting brand solution that allows this neurological innovator to engage its diverse audiences with its ideas and products.

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NeuroPro is a medical research, design and commercialisation company, aiming to take recent revolutions in digital and mobile technologies and apply these into new solutions, with a particular focus on neuroscience. Previously they had a corporate brand, and a range of product brands, that didn't reflect the innovative nature of their work.

Working with a brand consultant, together we established an endorsed brand model for the company and its products, and streamlined their suite of communications products, to ensure that they got maximum brand value from their innovative work. Under a brand essence of 'Digital tools for next generation brain science', and a promise of 'Bringing innovation to life', we established a visual and verbal identity that truly reflects their ethos, and enables them to engage people from their diverse target audiences.

The design solution centered around the concept of a neurone as seen in the corporate logo. The product brands built on this reference and each was given a customised icon that depicts it’s corresponding function. Each product brand also has an accompanying dynamic graphic language, image style and unique accent colour. All the brands share some common elements such as typographic style and use of the colour pink – which was chosen to capture the spirit of innovation, grounded amongst a more serious palette of greys.

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Brand identity
Web design & build
Design for print
Social media assets

What the client says


“We have partnered with Jenny on a number of exciting projects over 5 years, as diverse as the creation of new brands to repositioning efforts, website and asset design and supporting ongoing brand communication needs. She has earned our repeat business because of her demonstrated versatility and creativity as well as her understanding of and responsiveness to the unique needs across our portfolio from digital health to tech, new media and specialised engineering industries.”

Hemera Beretta, Senior Advisor, Fincoord (Screening Eagle, The Brain Forum, NeuroPro, Vesalius)


London Wall


The Brain Forum