
Refreshing a brand to reflect a bespoke approach to kitchen design.


Design for Print
Website design

Roundhouse are a 'design first' company, known for kitchens primarily, but expanding into other areas of the home. Based in London, their founders have an architectural background. Roundhouse's luxury kitchens are very bespoke to the individual.

This work was undertaken whilst working as a designer at Ideas Factory. We began working with Roundhouse to refresh their sales brochure, but quickly identified a brand challenge - and worked with them to include a 'design first' approach into their new brand.

My specific role was to design their brochure and their website. In order to communicate the bespoke nature of what they do, I structured the brochure around case studies that actually referred to specific customers kitchens as showcases for their work. I supported this with beautiful shots of their factory and materials to help convey their craftsmanship and the front of the brochure was all about the design process. There were even some diagramatic pages in the centre that made the brochure a practical selling tool with customers.


Season’s greetings


Thames Water