What will encourage our population to save water?


Campaign expression
Animation storyboards
Art direction
Design for print
Website asset creation

Thames Water is the UK's largest water and wastewater services company, serving 15 million customers per day. Every year, Thames Water run a water saving initiative. In 2010, there was a trend for using 3D characters in communications. Due to the consumer appeal of this style at the time, we explored how to utilise this approach in their annual campaign. 

This project was undertaken when I was working as Senior Designer at October Sun (part of Beyond Communications). I designed 12 characters that were used initially in TV animations (in shopping centres) and then later in printed collateral, online, merchandise - and even 6ft sponge suits. The campaign was so successful that the characters started to infiltrate other areas of their business, and were subsequently incorporated into the overall Thames Water brand. 

The brief was to do something we could produce in-house, without having to procure external illustrators. I designed the characters, then worked with an animator to storyboard the videos and an in-house illustrator to execute them fully. I then took the style forward and illustrated props and environments for various collateral in the future.

During the 2012 drought, we used these again alongside some hard-hitting messages in an advertising campaign. The campaign was successful, and even received a DBA award.


What my previous employer says

“Jenny can take an idea and make it better; she can turn a brief into something startling, has a lovely aesthetic and is bright and articulate. Technically Jenny is brilliant and so can work from idea to implementation through to the most complex art work. She is the complete package and would be a huge asset to any organisation and I highly recommend her.”

Viv Wilcock, Managing Director, October Sun




Royal Mail stamps