Screening Eagle website

Enabling a pioneering new inspection tech company to overcome the enormous challenge faced in protecting the built world.


Website design
& build

Screening eagle is a new company set up to protect the built world with software, sensors and data – thereby increasing longterm value and extending the life of assets and infrastructure.

The company is an exciting merger between a Singapore-based software and robotics company, and a Swiss-based NDT company with a 65+ year heritage as a market leader in portable sensors. As a result, a new interim website was required to support their launch and to enable the company to establish corporate and client partnerships over the next year or two.

Working together with a brand consultant, a communication strategy was developed for a site they needed now, in the context of the company’s longer-term aims and ambitions. It explained the relationship between the three entities, contained transferable elements, communicated the company’s vision and roadmap, and spoke to their joint target audiences.

The website was designed in XD and built in Wordpress in order to deliver the fastest, most cost effective solution for such an interim project. The aesthetic embraced the very latest trends at the time by using a dark theme, coupled with the minimalism of appropriate technological influences, such as Apple.


What the client says

“We have partnered with Jenny on a number of exciting projects over 5 years, as diverse as the creation of new brands to repositioning efforts, website and asset design and supporting ongoing brand communication needs. She has earned our repeat business because of her demonstrated versatility and creativity as well as her understanding of and responsiveness to the unique needs across our portfolio from digital health to tech, new media and specialised engineering industries.”

Hemera Beretta, Senior Advisor, Fincoord (Screening Eagle, The Brain Forum, NeuroPro, Vesalius)




Connection Capital