Developing a global brand that helps connect brain scientists with others interested in neurology, to help transform lives.


Logo design
Visual identity
Brand expression
Design for Print
Website design
Social media assets
Trophy design

The Brain Forum connects all those working in the field of brain science. Initially established as a biennial international conference, they were looking to expand their profile – establishing their conference as an annual event and working to become the hub of conversations between researchers, innovators, investors and anybody interested in advancing brain science. 

Working with a brand consultant, together we undertook extensive research and established their overall positioning – 'Making connections, exploring ideas, transforming lives'. We developed their verbal and visual identity, and prepared a range of supporting products.

The logo was designed as a metaphor for the innovative space that the Brain Forum represents – the academics alongside the entrepreneurs, the scientists alongside the philosophers, and the predominantly 'left hand side' thinkers alongside the right etc. The hexagon shape too became a key visual asset. It represented a transformative space that could hold patterns and shapes to be coupled with messaging. This helped keep the identity fresh and varied. We then chose a bright and modern palette relevant to the sectors of health and technology. 

We continue to work with them as they establish an annual programme of work, advising on the communications required to support this. We also worked on many aspects of their extremely successful 2016 conference.


What the client says

“We have partnered with Jenny on a number of exciting projects over 5 years, as diverse as the creation of new brands to repositioning efforts, website and asset design and supporting ongoing brand communication needs. She has earned our repeat business because of her demonstrated versatility and creativity as well as her understanding of and responsiveness to the unique needs across our portfolio from digital health to tech, new media and specialised engineering industries.”

Hemera Beretta, Senior Advisor, Fincoord (Screening Eagle, The Brain Forum, NeuroPro, Vesalius)




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